SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 AM & 2:30 PM | 49445A Range Road 255

Pastor's Page

Rev. Tad Groenendyk has been the pastor of the Word and Sacraments at Grace URC since October 2020.  He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary.

I have the privilege serving as the Pastor at Grace! My family and I came to Alberta from Michigan, where I grew up. We are 6 members strong: My wife, Karena, and our four children, Marijka, Natalia, Theodore, Luke, and Anneke.

Karena is a teacher by trade, but currently enjoys work as a stay-at-home-mom. One day she would like to get back into the classroom or become a certified counselor. Marijka and Natalia attend elementary school in Edmonton, while Luke and Theo are at home doing all the fun and crazy things that two and three year old boys do.

Additionally, we have two dogs, Maizy & Willa, and a cat, Socks - three energetic and fun-loving creatures.

As a family, we enjoy playing games and reading together, along with camping and spending time outdoors. We’re looking forward to exploring more of the majestic scenery that Western Canada has to offer.

Personally, I enjoy reading, fishing, coin-collecting, watching sports, and electronic gadgetry. 

Prior to ministry I worked as a draftsman for an engineering company and then spent some time at a corporate finance firm.

I studied at Mid-America Reformed Seminary and graduated in 2017. Our journey to and from Seminary has had its peaks and valleys, but it has been a journey (as they all are) where the Lord time and time again showed us his continued steadfast love and faithfulness. His mercies are new every morning!

It is a joy to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ among the Saints at Grace Reformed Church and the broader Leduc community!

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May 12 2024
The Lord's Supper

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